
Hi! My name is Debbie Happy Cohen

I'm the founder of Joy-Based Living, LLC. I help people who are reaching for increasing joy. Our community members value personal growth and expansion. We practice self-care, creativity and supporting each other. I help leaders and parents bring out the best in the people they lead. I show people who’ve been traumatized how to feel whole and to value joy and grow joy in their lives. I also write fairy tales. Sometimes I wear a gown and crown 👑 and read them aloud to children. CHECK OUT MY STARTER KIT AT LINKTREE!

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Atomic Mindfulness Series Begins October 1 - I'm co-hosting the kickoff - Link inside

Sign up LINK: Hey Friends, The last few months have been loaded with deep inner dives and personal development. I have so much to share and am coming out with my queen's crown ON. Feel free to join me with your own authentic ROYAL self. King, Queen, Princess, TREE. Whatever your feel is Joyful and Royal! YOU are invited to sign up for this awesome ATOMIC MINDFULNESS series which begins on October 1! I will be co-hosting the kickoff with Rebecca Kochenderfer,...

Hey all! My dear friend Rebecca, founder of and author of the Joy Journal, is inviting YOU to participate in her PhD research experiment. For 7 days, you do a mindfulness practice 4 times during the day. In the evening, you send her a quick note about how it went for you that day. I'm on Day 5 and really enjoying it. It's super simple. Plus, the practice is addictive-in-a-good-way... I find my mind doing it automatically throughout the day. It's free stress relief. And it...

A few years ago, one of my really good friends would talk to me about changing her eating habits. She said she wanted to do it for better health. But her underlying tone (which I heard as clear as day)... was self-disapproval, even shame. It's hard for me to watch someone I care about treat themselves harshly. She would ask me what I thought. I would say things like... "I wish you would stop beating yourself up. Your tone of voice (toward yourself) sounds demanding and harsh. You sound like...

In the last couple of months, I went through a washing machine of experiences that simply KICKED MY BUTT. After some time of grieving and feeling like "wtf just happened"... I decided to use the whole thing as an opportunity to learn and grow. A couple of weeks ago, I meditated for 3 days straight, from noon on Friday to noon on Monday. I wanted to see what was inside of me and transform what I could from the inside out. The biggest thing that blew me away was that I didn't realize how much...

Whether or not you saw the Barbie movie, Whether or not you liked it... WEIRD BARBIE really rocks it. Who is she? She's a live-person doll whose hair has been cut by a child and whose got paint all over her face and hair from the kid who messed with her. She's fun. She's real. She knows what's up. Now... STEREOTYPICAL BARBIE (we all KNOW what SHE looks like :-)) has some anxiety and fear of death and has to get some help because she's never had these thoughts before. Who does she have to go...

LOVE is the Greatest Power in the Universe.AND I believe that a Mother's Love is exponentially greater than ANY other kind of love in the Universe. You'll find BIG MAMA LOVE in just about every great story, movie, or epic hero's journey.It's a GIGANTIC POWERHOUSE of magical energy.It's a FORCE OF NATURE.It makes miracles happen.And wields power like nothing else I've ever seen. SOMETIMES THE MAMA LOVE COMES FROM SOMEONE OTHER THAN THE PERSON'S MAMA. A rule of thumb when looking for this...

So over the last 7 years, our JBL members have focused on allowing and accepting ALL of our feelings. And when we do this, we identify as that which NOTICES our feelings. That shift in perspective creates more FREEDOM in our minds and hearts and bodies. Negative feelings get released, like we've just taken a wonderful bath. Now, we are focused on growing the EMBODIED SENSATIONS of positive feelings like gratitude and happiness. I mean, the end result of anything we want in our a...

So the other day, I was in a sucky mood. And I shared it with you. Y'all were so wonderful. I got so many messages of encouragement and support. Thanks for being there. One message touched me so much that I wanted to share it with you. "Thanks for your honesty and integrity and all your feelings. You lead with your need and courage and your commitment to include it all. It helps so much to know we’re not alone." That's exactly why I shared my experience with you. If you're in a sucky mood, I...

I'm in a sucky mood right now. I'm wanting to be in a grateful mood, to feel my heart overflowing. But I'm not there. I will be. But right now, I'm not. I hesitate to write this to you but I'm bored with NOT writing this to you. What do you do when you're in a sucky mood? Do you ... share what you're feeling with other people? or do you pick a fight? or do you do an addiction? or do you go into analysis to figure out why you feel sucky? or do you hide under the covers? or do you find a way to...

1. Decide you are worthy of HONOR. Decide to grow your field of HONOR. Everything else you do in your life is built on this foundation. 2. Establish a loving WITNESS in yourself. If you turn toward yourself with judgment, impatience or shame, you will create resistance which blocks the flow of joy in you. When you turn toward yourself with compassionate curiosity and kindness, you create a sense of safety that allows you to grow. When your authenticity is allowed to emerge, your joy will get...