When does happiness grow?

I just read an article about Steve Jobs' last words, on his deathbed, at the age of 56. It was very inspiring. And sad.

He was so driven to create success and beauty and to help people be more creative. But his personal life was a shambles. (Is that how you say it?)

Anyhoo... he wished he had spent more time with his family and friends, enjoying them, and enjoying himself more... as I write that, it sounds so cliche.

But I guess that's why cliches get repeated so often... because of the nuggets of truth they often deliver.

My middle name is Happy. It came from my great grandmother, whose name was Simcha. My mom translated it from Hebrew. And when I was born in NY, she named me Debbie Happy.

Unfortunately, my childhood family home wasn't a happy one.

There was lots of dissention in the house. It felt unsafe.

Having the name Happy gave me lots of time to reflect on the word, and this was kind of confusing at times.

But those reflections shaped my future (I mean... I'm the founder of Joy-Based Living!).

And I learned that happiness matches my essense self. It feels authentic to me. I wear it well.

I'm someone who has always sought moments worth treasuring.

For example...

When I was growing up, I would skip school to go to the beach to build a small fire and roast marshmallows.

A more recent example... Last year, I bought a cordless, portable microphone for reading fairy tales at a local art festival. But I've been known to throw it in my tote bag on an ordinary errands day.

I like to turn it ON in the middle of the grocery store and then tell the people who work there what a great job they're doing. Silly things like that!

This makes them smile. It brings joy to my day. It creates memories that I treasure.

This example might make me come across as someone who is clown-ish. But I'm not a clown. Never wanted to be.

I just happen to know the pricelessness of a moment...

and how little it takes to sprinkle a day with happiness.

It's as soft, sparkly and magical as fairy dust.

Here, you can try it right now.

Right now, in this moment, you are breathing. (right? please tell me you are! LOL!)

Notice your breath.

Say thank you.

That's it, you did it :-)

Sparkly blessings to you,


ps. My latest facebook post has pics of Saturday's fairy tale event. I can't remember the last time I experienced so many moments of JOY. And my story elf Linda Selby captured a photo in one precious moment which is my new favorite photo. Oodles of gratitude to you, dear reader, for inspiring me to relive the magic in order to share it with you. XOXOXO

Pps. If we're not already friends on FB, my name is Debbie Happy Cohen so you can find me there.

Ppps. WHEN does happiness grow? ... The only time happiness can ever grow is in this moment. Not in the future. Not in the past. Right now. It's the only time there is. Master it!

Hi! My name is Debbie Happy Cohen

I'm the founder of Joy-Based Living, LLC. I help people who are reaching for increasing joy. Our community members value personal growth and expansion. We practice self-care, creativity and supporting each other. I help leaders and parents bring out the best in the people they lead. I show people who’ve been traumatized how to feel whole and to value joy and grow joy in their lives. I also write fairy tales. Sometimes I wear a gown and crown 👑 and read them aloud to children. CHECK OUT MY STARTER KIT AT LINKTREE! https://linktr.ee/debbiehappycohen

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